
1. Chronic Ulerative Colitis Treated with Chinese herbal medicine

--<<Principles and Practice of Chinese Medicine in the West>> published by PMPH(, July 2003

ISBN 7-117-05529-4


2. Severe Psoriasis Treated with Chinese medicine using detoxifying method

--Issue 9, Journal of the Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine(UK), Feb, 1997


3. Infant Asthma Treated with Ba Wei Dou Fu Tang

--Issue 10, Journal of the Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine(UK), June, 1997


4. Acne Treated with Chinese medicine

--Issue 8, Journal of the Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine(UK), August, 1996


5. The"Four Points and Seven Needles"Method for Stopping Smoking:


Observations of curative effects in 125 cases

This article has been selected for the publication of the international conference of TCM held in Manchester in June 2004

Abstract: Objective: To observe the curative effect of the"Four Points and Seven Needles" method in treating smoking addiction. Method:125 subjects voluntarily seeking medical assistance in stopping smoking were arranged into three groups: A, B and C, according to how much they smoked per day. In treatment, points selected for needling were auricular points: Shen Men and Lung, both bilaterally; body points: Yin Tang (Extra Point) and bilateral Shen Men (H7). Treatment was once per week, with a full course comprising two treatments. Results: Following one course of treatment, 118 subjects has completely stopped smoking; this represents 94.4% success rate. Conclusion: Use of the"Four Points and Seven Needles" method of acupuncture for stopping smoking is a method worthy of popularisation; it uses few points, has a high success rate, requires only a little time, is inexpensive, and smokers adopting the method experience no obvious side-effects or suffering.

1. Introduction

Mankind has a long history of smoking. Throughout the world, research into the effects of smoking by a multitude of physiologists, cardiologists and pathologists spans several decades. The results of such research show that smoking causes cancer of the mouth, tongue, throat and lung, and that the incidence of these illnesses is 4-8 times higher in smokers than in non-smokers. Additionally, smokers can also suffer injury to their mental and neurological systems. At the same time, research has also been conducted into overcoming addiction to smoking; however, the results are all alike. Expenditure on smoking is high; moreover, the illnesses that smoking brings present burdens both to family and society. Thus, research directed both at smokers themselves as well as at domestic and social environments is of great importance.

The author has been practising Chinese medicine for 17 years. His experience in the use of acupuncture for stopping smoking numbers in the thousands of case. In this specific context, he has continuously explored and evaluated point selections and identified a combination of acupuncture points yielding highly satisfactory results. The name the author has coined for combination is"Four Points and Seven Needles". Statistics of the treatment outcomes of patients seeking assistance in stopping smoking in the period 1st March to 30th April, 2002 may be summarised as follows.

2. General Data

Number of cases: 125, divided as 58 male, 67 female. Age range: 20-65. History of smoking: 3-45 years. Daily rates: Group A, 10-20 cigarettes per day, 26 case. Group B, 21-40 per day, 76 cases. Group C, over 41 per day, 23 cases. Occupation: Unemployed, 31 cases. Employed, 75cases. Students and housewives 19 cases. Smokers who were attempting to give up for the first time numbered 23 cases; those who had tried previously (using nicotine chewing gum, nicotine patches, hypnosis or other methods) and failed numbered 102. individuals paying privately for treatment numbered 102. Individuals paying privately for treatment numbered 119. All 125 cases wished to stop smoking of their own volition.

3. Treatment Method

Treatment used the"Four Points and Seven Needles" method. Auricular points: Lung and Shen Men were needled bilaterally with 1 inch needles to a depth of 1-2 mm. After a patient reported a sensation of hotness, distension or, occasionally, soreness of the ear, electroacupuncture, using a G6805-I treatment device set on continuous-wave, was administered for 30 minutes. Body points: using 1.5 inch needles, Yin Tang (Extra Point) was needled at an angle of 30 and to a depth of 5-10 mm whilst Shen Men (H7) was needled bilaterally with vertical insertion to a depth of 2-3 mm. Each needle was lightly rotated and patients felt a sensation of ache, distension or numbness, or a feeling radiating upwards and downwards from the points. Needles were retained for 30minutes. After needle withdrawal, Wang Bu Liu Xing (seeds of Vaccaria segetalis (Neck.) Garcke, Caryophyllaceae) were stuck bilaterally to the Shen Men and Lung auricular points. Patients were instructed to use finger pressure to stimulate the seeds several times daily (especially after tea breaks and meals, but also when feeling an urge to smoke). On each occasion, they were to stimulate seeds for 30-60 seconds each. The treatment regime comprised one treatment per week, with two treatments constituting a treatment course.

4. Judgement of Treatment Outcome

Judgement of treatment outcome was based upon one treatment course. If in the first month after treatment a patient neither smoked nor felt addictive urges to do so, the outcome was deemed successful. If after one treatment course a patient has not entirely quit the smoking habit and in the first month after treatment has commenced smoking again, the outcome was deemed a failure.

5. Results

The 26 people in Group A showed 100% successful outcome after one course of treatment. Of the76 people in Group B, after one course of treatment, 74 has quit smoking completely, whilst 2 had re-commenced to a small degree; this represents a 97.4% success rate. Of the 23 people in Group C, after once course of treatment, 18 outcomes were successful, whilst 5 were unsuccessful; a success rate of 78%. The overall success rate was 94.4%. See the following table. The results show an inverse relationship between daily cigarette consumption and treatment outcome.

Cases per

Daily smoking rate

Of patients prior to


(cigarettes per day)
Success rate

(no. of cases & %)
Failure rate

(no. of cases & %)
A 26 10-20 26 100% 0 0%
B 76 21-40 74 97.4% 2 2.6%
C 23 >=41 18 78.3% 7 5.6%

6. Example

Mr. C.A., age 58, cane to the clinic 15th March, 2002. He had smoked for 42 years and was smoking at a rate of 30-40 cigarettes per day. He had already used nicotine gum twice to try to stop smoking, both times were unsuccessful. This time, following introduction by a friend, he decided to seek acupuncture treatment to stop smoking, and so came to receive the"Four Points and Seven Needles" method described in the foregoing text. In addition, he was instructed to exercise personal restraint; for example, within the first two weeks, he should avoid places were there were smokers, not drink alcohol or coffee, not have cigarettes or smoking paraphernalia on display around his home, and in his leisure time frequently engage in outdoor activities. One week after his first acupuncture treatment, when he returned to the clinic, he reported having smoked no cigarettes, and having only once felt addictive feelings. Following his second treatment, there was a consolidation of the effect. Five months later, the same man, while accompanying his wife to the clinic for a consultation, said that following the second treatment, he had had no further addictive feelings and that the treatment had remained successful since.

7. Conclusion

7.1 The mechanism of dependency in smokers is complex. Currently, the principal tendency is to focus upon the effects of inhaled nicotine in the body and its consequent gradual replacement of the brain's normal endorphins. In the period when a smoker is not smoking, endorphin levels are inadequate, and smokers can develop fatigue, restlessness, anxiety and other symptoms of discomfort. In consequence of this, smokers develop increasing dependency.

7.2 The author has many years of clinical observation in using acupuncture to treat smoking addiction. Selection of body points Yin Tang (Extra Point) and bilateral Shen Men (H7), along with bilateral auricular points Lung and Shen Men has yielded a highly satisfactory effect. After treatment, smokers not only stop smoking, but also exhibit no side-effects. The mechanism of the treatment possibly lies in its stimulation of various cerebral hormones including endorphins, and harmonisation of related matters in a fashion similar to that in which acupuncture can stop pain and regulate a range of functions. Further advances in research are awaited.

7.3 Acupuncture can be regarded as an effective means of stopping smoking. At the same time, however, the co-operation of smokers is very important. First, a smoker must be willing to give up. Additionally, there must be firm confidence and determination. There must also be changes in unhealthy lifestyle. The mind should be engaged with interest in study and work, and outside activities should be pursued. Care should be taken to avoid boredom in leisure time. After a short time, it will be possible to stop smoking.

7.4 Using acupuncture to stop smoking brings no side-effects and is reliably safe. Moreover, the number of acupuncture points used is few, the success rate is high, the time required is short and the overall cost is low. As well as benefiting individual smokers, it also brings advantage to society. The method is deserving of popularisation.